SRA recognizes the design of God for all believers to be ever-increasing
in the knowledge of Him and His design. Thus, all who shepherd other believers, whether formally or informally,
must maintain themselves in a constant, intensive seeking of that same knowledge.
Those whom He has gifted to shepherd have been entrusted to be leading His sheep
into new pastures of fresh green grass and clear safe waters where the sheep eat and drink for themselves
and where each one matures into the Master's design for its health and reproduction.
Many world vocations require leaders to continually develop their knowledge in their field, but,
in the realm of shepherding God's sheep, the "busyness" of "ministry" seems to prevent shepherds
from pursuing the knowledge so desperately needed by their flocks.
The Master designed His flocks to be always moving to fresh, new pastures, but the lack
of continued, intensive learning by His shepherds has left most of them not knowing
the location of the next pasture or how to lead his flock into it.
SRA seeks to help all the shepherds of God's flocks to develop in the full knowledge of Him and His design
by providing them with learning in areas where they need to refresh or develop.
This teaching may be done by providing trustworthy teaching materials or by formal teaching
in churches and other meeting locations, or by brief, easily-accessed videos on the internet,
or by face-to-face, live interaction on the internet. However the teaching is done, it will be designed
to enhance every shepherd's abilities to more effectively lead every sheep of the flock.
The SRA School of Biblical Learning (SBL) is the primary teaching aspect of SRA ministry.
All SBL teaching and activities focus upon developing the knowledge of God, not as a series of
difficult-to-correlate "characteristics" or “facts” about God, but as a growing, comprehensive understanding
of His entire being as He revealed Himself from the first words of Genesis to the last in Revelation.
SBL seeks to develop in every learner the fullness of his or her ability to accurately correlate
every aspect of every point of the Creator's revelation to every other point of that revelation
and to all of life.