SRA receives associates into the research team by invitation only.
Persons who have not been invited into the research team may request inclusion
and may submit their research for consideration and potential SRA use and publication, but,
to facilitate effective interaction, the number of research team associates will be limited.
Each SRA associate and representative will give continual evidence that he or she:
- has been reconciled to God by Jesus Christ;
- is in agreement with SRA foundational beliefs and agrees to maintain
these foundational beliefs in all teaching and presentations;
- is actively seeking to conform his or her life to the criteria of the Creator’s design;
- possesses and maintains an effective working knowledge and understanding
in the technical and linguistic aspects of both primary Biblical languages,
including an understanding of their interrelationship and its significance
in comprehending the content of God’s written revelation,
- exhibits an insatiable desire to understand and correlate
all aspects of the Creator’s design and to communicate those aspects
by the most effective means and in the most effective manner possible.